Hey Reader,
Honestly, A.I is boring as f*ck
I tried it last yesterday, CHATGPT (the name is already boring), and made it to write two blog posts.
Sure, I was excited when I got up in the morning and thought: ‘ I’m gonna be rich soon. Let A.I do the work, and nobody will notice’’.
I researched for an hour, got the AiPRM extension on Chrome, figured out a good prompt, and …
The screen wrote a blog in 15 seconds.
I made alterations to have it look more personal, made it poop out tags and SEO, and hit publish.
I was left with an empty feeling.
I spent the day thinking about whether we should take this A.I frenzy serious.
Read about the three main reasons A.I is never going to outsmart and remove real creators altogether.
And one way it can be tremendously helpful.
Have a great real day !
PS Check out this other article on the impact of A.I on your work
for free on my Substack ! (Click the image ! )
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Hey Reader, Glad to have you back ! It's remarkable to look back on the things we've learned so far together: We learned how to potentially transform our addiction by using the 5 STAM method. We've learned about Richard and how he dealt with his screen addiction that threatened his relationship and job. He successfully integrated our unique sharing method after gaining insights in his addiction cycle.At this stage I need to tell you a secret. I didn't tell you about the two other steps in our...